Ruaryy Ruaryy – Page 4 – Rúary is the alias of Rory Mullan, the 26 year old songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist from Derry, Ireland.    


What's New

Help Musicians Funding

I was supposed to post this at the weekend, but then the sun came out and I seemed to forget everything 😅☀️

I’m really delighted to say that I’ve been given financial funding and support from the amazing Help Musicians, a UK based charity that supports all kinds of musicians, young and old.

Basically, their grant will allow me to record and release a new EP of songs where I can make use of a proper professional recording studio for the FIRST TIME EVER. 🎉

I’ve done everything in my bedroom up to this point so I’m extremely excited to be let loose in a studio and have actual engineers help me make music 🤤

The grant also covers promotion and marketing, and on top of that I’ll be getting mentoring by music industry professionals to help grow my career and gain some new skillz 🤙

There’ll be more updates on this in the weeks to come, but I just wanted to properly say on here how massively grateful I am to Help Musicians for this, as without their support I literally would not be able to do this right now.

So many many thanks to them. They offer support all year round so if you’re a musician, check them out and consider applying to one of their schemes; it was the first time I ever did it and I couldn’t be happier with how it went!

Watch this space! 👀


9:31 Single out now!

9:31 Single Art

10 weeks after my last release, the day has finally arrived – 9:31, my new single, is birthed and ready to be gawked at, listened to, playlisted, criticised, made into TikTok videos or just left on in the background while you’re peeling ya spuds.

Written, produced and mixed by myself, and mastered once again by the awesome Marsden Mastering !

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend with it x


Sounds of Silent Bloom EP is now out!

Sounds of Silent Bloom EP Cover

I was hoping it would coincide with the end of Winter but she’s a stormy mistress out there today. Ah well, can’t plan these things.
Everything you hear is written, recorded and produced by myself.
Mastering is by the ever reliable Marsden Mastering
(Instagram: @marsdenmastering) making it the first EP I’ve ever had professionally mastered, you can certainly hear the difference!

The artwork is courtesy of the beautiful wilds of Donegal.

The link to stream and buy is below. Thanks so much guys if you give it a listen.


New Video for “Catching Buses” is out now!

They told me I was crazy. They said I couldn’t make a video so low budget that the budget was non-existent.

I said we can go lower.



And here we have the video for Catching Buses. AKA, “How Many Copyright Strikes Can I Get?”

Let me know if you can spot any references you know!

Happy viewings,

KA x

New Single “Catching Buses” is out now!

Craic! First of all folks, happy new year to you, hope you’ve kept well and been dodging the big C. I for one am choosing to enter 2022 with an optimistic mindset, and to help me do that I’ve released my first song of the year, ‘Catching Buses’!

It’s very much the anti-procrastination song. Musically it belongs in the world of the indie rock (think The Strokes, Franz Ferdinand) and with any luck it’ll get ya bouncin’.

Written, recorded and mixed by myself and mastered again by the top man: (Instagram: @marsdenmastering)

Listen below!

Buy it on Bandcamp here

“Wrong Foot Forward” is out now!


Just some of the ways I can channel my emotions at this finally being out.

Written, recorded and mixed by myself and mastered by the top man: (Instagram: @marsdenmastering)

Be sure to head to the Music page to listen to the song on your music service of choice.


Buy it on Bandcamp here

“Aquarius” – EP Out Now!

The new EP is fiiiinally out! For some reason this last month has felt longer than all the rest, but at long last, the day has come and I can finally stop posting announcements about it! 👊🏻

Listen to it, ignore it, be inspired by it, do the dishes do it, buy it, slag it off anonymously in the YouTube comments; it’s now yours!

Listen to or purchase “Aquarius” via the link below, and wrap your ears around 6 months of work ♒️

Click here to buy it on Bandcamp

Click here to stream it on the platform of your choice

Much love,


“To the Moon & Back” – Single Out Now!

“To the Moon & Back” and it’s companion radio edit are out now digitally on Apple Music / Spotify / YouTube / Soundcloud / Bandcamp / Deezer and everywhere I ticked the box (probably even Amazon but realistically Bezos doesn’t need the extra cash)

Let me know what you think – I hope it gets you PuMpED for the rest of the EP to arrive in TWO WEEKS!

Click here to listen via the streaming service of your choice

Much love x

KA 💖