Ruaryy Help Musicians Funding – Ruaryy    


Help Musicians Funding

I was supposed to post this at the weekend, but then the sun came out and I seemed to forget everything 😅☀️

I’m really delighted to say that I’ve been given financial funding and support from the amazing Help Musicians, a UK based charity that supports all kinds of musicians, young and old.

Basically, their grant will allow me to record and release a new EP of songs where I can make use of a proper professional recording studio for the FIRST TIME EVER. 🎉

I’ve done everything in my bedroom up to this point so I’m extremely excited to be let loose in a studio and have actual engineers help me make music 🤤

The grant also covers promotion and marketing, and on top of that I’ll be getting mentoring by music industry professionals to help grow my career and gain some new skillz 🤙

There’ll be more updates on this in the weeks to come, but I just wanted to properly say on here how massively grateful I am to Help Musicians for this, as without their support I literally would not be able to do this right now.

So many many thanks to them. They offer support all year round so if you’re a musician, check them out and consider applying to one of their schemes; it was the first time I ever did it and I couldn’t be happier with how it went!

Watch this space! 👀